Response Content, Headers & Footers

This feature allows you to save headers, footers, unsub and reply content to be used in conjunction with a mailing or as an automated response to a recipient.

Note: a user’s account settings determine the user’s level of system access. Therefore, several of the options and/ or tabs may not be available to all users. Please contact your site's administrator for additional information.

Create or Edit Response Content

  1. Once logged in, click on the Settings tab.
  2. Click on the Response Content link. The Response Content page will appear. Any existing content will be listed at the top of the page. You can Edit, Clone or Delete existing content by clicking on the appropriate icon.
  3. To create new content, click the Create Response Content link at the bottom of the page. This will open the Edit Response Contents page.
  4. Enter the Title for the content.
  5. Select the appropriate Content Type from the dropdown menu. The Content Type will determine when this content is available to be used. For example, only content types marked as Header or Required Header will be available to select as the header when creating a mailing.
  6. Complete the Headers section, if applicable. This section only appears when creating Reply or Unsub content. For Reply content, the to address must be [-email_reply_alpha-]
  7. Add the HTML, Text or both types of content per normal procedure. While some substitution tags can be used in the content, there is not an option to click and add them directly similar to using tags in a mailing. You will need to type the full tag into the content itself. Use the Available Tags for Unsub and Reply Content or the Available Tags for Headers and Footers link as appropriate to verify which tags you can use. Image tags cannot be used in header and footer content. To include an image, either use one hosted externally, or reference the image pathway and not the image tag itself.
  8. Click Save to enable the content for use.

Use Response Content

Where you see and use the response content is determined by the content type.

  • Both header and footer content are accessible from the Content tab of a mailing.
  • The reply or unsub content are accessible from the Response & Results tab of a mailing.